Guest Posts and Contributors Wanted

The website could use more regular content, which is hard to come by with the proprietor having to juggle work and responsibilities with creating content here. Therefore, it’s with great humility and respect that invite writers to contribute articles and other forms of content here to make things more interesting.
A good bit of creative freedom is encouraged here, so feel free to pitch whatever ideas you may have that could fit here, whether it’s clean or nasty. As long as it’s not too nasty, there should be room for it. Your contributions will be greatly appreciated.
(As of September 27, 2016)
NOTE: It’s not Avoider Dragon or AvoiderDragon. It’s Avoiderdragon.
Guest Posts
Those who wish to write guest posts for this website are encouraged to send their proposals to sonnygo (at) avoiderdragon (dot) com. It can be anything about video games and other media, or whatever else you think may be interesting for readers. It won’t hurt to pitch new topics and ideas; the website is open to the weirdest of suggestions—even fringe topics are welcome.
Guest writers are subject to all of the terms listed in the policy statement. Despite that, they are encouraged to write as freely as possible and make their posts entertaining and/or compelling. The proprietor does have the final say on what gets published, although criteria need not be too strict.
Regular Contributors
If you wish to write for this website on a regular basis, please send an email to sonnygo (at) avoiderdragon (dot) com to discuss terms. As of now, contributions are to be voluntary and not subject to pay. That may change if ever the website starts earning enough money to compensate writers.
Format and Topic Suggestions
This is not your typical “geek” website. This website is alright with a bit of politically incorrectness and borderline inappropriate content every now and then, so feel free to go nuts (as long as you don’t go too overboard). But the most important thing is that it must be unique and original content.
To give you an idea on what kind of content you can propose for this website, here is a list of suggestions:
- Reviews and features on video games, tabletop games, movies, anime, comics, television shows, books, blogs, online video, etc.
- Guides (DIY, how-to’s, strategies, etc.) that are relevant to featured topics. (e.g. game guides, how to make or fix stuff, etc.)
- Lists (e.g. top X games relevant to current events, X movies for people facing existential crises, etc.)
- Essays (i.e. analyses, editorials, etc.) on various subjects that can be linked to various media (e.g. posts like this, this, this, whatever is on the Featured Posts list in the front page, etc.)
- Video posts (i.e. online video with blog post consisting of at least 300 words describing what’s featured and/or discussed)
- Parody, satire, mockery, etc. (as long as it’s well-done)
- Artworks, comic strips, cartoons, etc. (along with a write-up to go along with them)
- Posts on past and upcoming local events (within Manila, Philippines) that may be relevant to this website’s interests (This is the only exception to the “no news” rule.)
- Sponsored content (as long as the sponsorship can be disclosed upfront)
- Anything from left field and outside the box that may be interesting
The following topics are allowed here, but not necessarily exclusive to:
- Media (i.e. video games, tabletop games, movies, documentaries, anime, cartoons, comics, television shows, books, etc.)
- Science and technology (as long as it can be understood by laymen)
- Art and culture (as long as it’s not elitist or too pretentious; should be understandable to laymen)
- Lifehacking and personal enrichment (e.g. Lifehacker and The Art of Manliness kind of content)
- NSFW stuff, either tasteful or borderline offensive (as long as it doesn’t have to show outright pornography)
- Most socio-political topics (as long as it’s not too biased)
- Fringe topics (e.g. conspiracy theories, taboo, crime, etc.)
- Anything involving comedy (e.g. you being funny, talking about comedians, analyzing what’s funny, what can and can’t be joked about, etc.)
- Personal projects (if they’re actually any good)
- Any other topic common in other blogs (e.g. health, lifestyle, travel, etc.) being talked about from a different and/or unusual perspective
Prohibited Content
There isn’t a lot of things that you can’t suggest as guests posts in this website since pushing the envelope is encouraged here. However, there are still limitations here—some of which should be obvious to most people.
The following are NOT allowed here:
- Plagiarized content of any kind. (Curated content may be allowed, as long as it’s not a complete copy of something else.)
- News articles (For the last time, this is NOT a news website.)
- Outright pornography (i.e. depictions of nudity and sex without cause and/or reasonable censorship)
- Anything that can get anyone arrested and/or killed (which isn’t a lot since this website isn’t based in China, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, etc.)
- Political commentary that leans too much towards the left or right wing. (but mocking either one or both is allowed)
- Outright racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. (especially if it’s directed towards the proprietor)
- Unfounded libelous statements (If your guest post is directly accusing an individual, group, or entity, please present concrete evidence.)