Kickboxing Archives

Kickboxing: The Linux of Combat Sports

Kickboxing: The Linux of Combat Sports

People are weird. There are those who eschew violence altogether, so they steer clear of combat sports, which is understandable. Then there are those who are connoisseurs of violence like myself, so they consume every combat sport under the sun and even participate and compete in them. Finally, there are those who are somewhat into that violence and are casually receptive to combat sports, but there’s a gaping hole in the shape of kickboxing. (more…)

Andy Kunz Fight Night — Impromptu Juggling Act

Andy Kunz Fight Night

A week after MWF Balikbayan (late blog post on that coming soon), I had to do another ring announcing gig in the same venue. It was the Andy Kunz Fight Night, an amateur kickboxing event. I did think it was going to be a relaxing day of me just shouting out names of two guys about to beat the shit out of each other, but it turns out I had to do more things than that. In fact, particularly for this event, I had to do even more juggling than I usually do with MWF events. (more…)