It seems easy to dismiss an anime series with a name similar to the famous Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan), but this is definitely no copycat. Shingeki no Bahamut has its own charm and flair, and it actually does do well to impress early on and promises to be a lot more later on. The name in English is “Rage of Bahamut: Genesis”, which is better to go with to avoid confusion with the other show. I’ll stick to the Japanese title though since it’s not one of those really long ones. (more…)
Media Archives
Lucy [Review]
This wasn’t meant to be posted at first as I had watched Lucy when I thought the hype train had already gone past. However, I was kind of forced to watch it again by friends and I felt compelled to finish this review. This seems like what happens when a teenager sees Fight Club for the first time, then plays the game Prototype, and writes his own movie script. (more…)
Lara in the Box: The Case for Platform Exclusivity
With the news of Rise of the Tomb Raider supposedly being exclusive to the Xbox One, plenty of people got miffed by it, especially those who had played the Tomb Raider reboot (myself included). However, this whole thing may be more than meets the eye, and it’s a look into business practices of gaming companies, as well as how consumers react to whatever the hell the “corporate suits” come up with. Some may think that there’s nothing new to discuss with this topic, but some still think that it’s a new thing even though it has been going on for as long as modern gaming has existed. (more…)
EVO Hype Intro Videos
It has taken me a long while, but I’ve finally put my thoughts down on this little piece of fascination. Let me share something from EVO other than the games that I look forward to each year. Before every Top 8 Final for each game on the main stream, they play an intro video to get viewers hyped up. I personally am into these videos because I’m both a fan of fighting games and videography, so I would like to share my enthusiasm for this little part of EVO with you. (more…)
Top 5 Reasons Why I Did Not Play MOBAs
Recently, I was able to acquire access to both Dawngate and Heroes of the Storm, new MOBAs that are designed to be more “casual-friendly” than their more competitive counterparts. Not sure if that really is the case, but it seems that I’m getting more reasons to really get into the genre now, as indirectly declared by the past tense used in the title. But first, I need to do something cathartic in order to prepare myself. (more…)
Best Matches of EVO 2014
I’ve been watching EVO every year since 2011 when I started to seriously follow competitive gaming, which was also the time when livestreaming became viable through Twitch. EVO has become one of my most awaited times of the year, even more so than Christmas or my birthday (which happens to be on the same month). This year, I’ve compiled some of the best moments that I had been able to catch, whether they’re surprising upsets, absolute blow-ups, or just straight-up hype matches. (more…)
Gullibility and Foolishness: On Video Game Hype
This post was previously titled “Gully Bell and the Infinite Foolishness,” which was my attempt at playing with the title of that Smashing Pumpkins album. Anyway, this isn’t about somber moods though, but more on a mix of grief and consternation that comes with the release of a Triple-A game, especially one that has so much hype behind it. It gets so much praise and wanton desire even before it’s released, but then becomes a letdown once it’s out and people start acting as if family members died. It’s a puzzling bit of human behavior in regards to consumerism. (more…)
Selling Samples: How to Be a Bad Salesman
There are a lot of issues regarding Steam that many have gripes with, from their front page listings to their Greenlight program. Among them, I see Early Access being the most deplorable as a consumer. I think it goes against the tenets of consumer rights and sensible business, despite understanding why it exists. It’s great for indie developers continue their efforts while ensuring their game’s place in Steam, but perhaps there are better ways that won’t screw over customers. (more…)
Kill la Kill [Review]
This is my first ever anime review, and it’s a case of “perfect timing”. For a long time, I hadn’t actively followed anime, and whatever I would watch every now and then would usually not be those in the current season. When I decided to write anime reviews for the first time as a personal challenge, this was one of the first new shows that I ended up viewing, and I’m glad that I came in at the right time as watching Kill la Kill was indeed a blast. (more…)
Serena [Review]
I’ve played a few adventure games before, with titles like Post Mortem ranking high on my personal list. There is also Indigo Prophecy that I liked at first, then grew to despise as I got to near the end of its story. Adventure games are all about the story, and this is a short and bittersweet one. (more…)
Flappy Bird (Mobile) [Review]
Take note that this is what made me learn that the written review MUST NOT wait for the video. I was making a video for this, with the voice-overs and footage already done, but the editing took longer than expected and kept getting hung up by happenings in daily life. I’ve posted this now, even though it’s a month late, since I didn’t want to waste the work put into writing this. Perhaps it’s also good that the fad has passed by so that the game can be assessed more objectively. (more…)