Video Games Archives

Role Queue is an Interesting Way to Balance Overwatch

Overwatch Role Queue

Overwatch is still a fairly important game to me, even if I tend to hurl verbal trash at it these days. I still play it with my friends whenever I can. Competitive play doesn’t really make me as salty as it does other people, but all the big changes it goes through over the years did make me uncomfortable. This planned change is perhaps the biggest one to date and it can change how the game is played, for better and for worse. (more…)

Apparently, I Wasted Time Having Played Mirror’s Edge

Mirror's Edge Time Trial

This is a personal gaming story from a long time ago, back in simpler times when Electronic Arts was slightly less deplorable than it is now. It was from the late 2000s to the early 2010s when EA actually started putting out original IPs and made gamers believe again, and one of those titles was Mirror’s Edge. I quite liked the parkour simulator for what it tried to do, as well as the clean and minimalistic visuals that almost became the basis for this blog’s web design. While that later was superseded by Deus Ex: Human Revolution, I still quite liked the look of this now decade-old game. (more…)

Retro Gaming Expo 2019 — Missed a Meeting for This

Retro Gaming Expo 2019

It has been well over a week since I was at the Retro Gaming Expo in Fisher Mall and then uploaded the vlog, so I got to think over everything I saw and experienced over 4 hours of being there while getting myself hopped up on caffeine and other legal stimulants. You should be able to sense the weird mix of enthusiasm and dejection from the vlog as I alternated between having fun looking at retro gaming stuff and getting pissed at something else. (more…)

Abandon Ship, Overwatch is Sinking

Overwatch: Ellie and the Gay Soldier 76

Overwatch is a sinking ship. I start this blog post with that statement as I’ve seen this before with another Blizzard game I used to be obsessed with. StarCraft II peaked in 2012, then floundered in the following years due to numerous issues. I’m seeing the same patterns now with Overwatch, but there’s a lot more going on with this one due to what is both its biggest strength and weakness—its expanding lore. (more…)

The State of Overwatch in Late 2018

Overwatch: Gremlin D.Va

Overwatch was my 2016 Game of the Year due to its engaging team gameplay and how it helped me bond with friends. Two and a half years since its release, while it’s still fun to play with others, the gameplay itself has become what many describe as both stale and frustrating (at least from what I’m seeing). This is from the perspective of players who take their competitive rank with some degree of seriousness. (more…)

Diablo Immortal — Headless Chicken Run

It has been well over two weeks since the furor surrounding the announcement of Diablo Immortal. Perhaps it’s already quite late to give my two cents on the whole thing, but I’ve had some brain farts lately that may be worth pondering on. I’m not sure if I’ll play Diablo Immortal when it comes out, but the events surrounding it are pretty interesting thus far. (more…)

Root for the B Team

Red Dead Redemption 2 - B Team

The recent release of Red Dead Redemption 2 entailed a subsequent hoopla regarding the reportedly abhorrent working conditions in Rockstar Games. Just after that, the disappointing beta of Fallout 76 and its game-breaking flaws added more fuel to the AAA dumpster fire. While the debates on how to solve the various problems in the AAA space are still ongoing, I would like to prompt more focus on a different and often overlooked facet of the games industry. (more…)

Salt and Recommended Sodium Allowance in Games

Salt in Overwatch

At the moment, I have a video project queued up regarding deliberate practice and the importance of stakes in competitive video games to incentivize performance improvement. Perhaps I’ll actually finish that video one of these days, but I felt like I should post something about what Overwatch had got me thinking as of this writing. As I delve more into topics related to competitive gaming, I hope to dig deeper into the attitudes and behaviors I’ve been observing first hand in games so far. (more…)

The Dreaded Video Game Price Hike

Video Game Price

There has been talk lately about how video games may actually be underpriced these days, as unbelievable as that may sound since AAA games are quite expensive already. However, pundits are making their cases as to why the video game industry is now at its current state of having microtransactions and other predatory forms of monetization being shoved down consumers’ throats, as well as horrible working conditions for the rank and file in the industry. I’m no insider, but I’d like to try making better sense of the whole video game price debacle. (more…)

GameCon PH 2018 Preview — Follow-Up Pressure

GameCon PH 2018

Less than eight months after its debut event, GameCon PH is back with a follow-up. The pressure is on as they’re expected to improve upon what they were able to come up with last June, and they’re doing more things to get more hype. I even got a call to attend their press conference on February 1, even if I’m just a two-bit blogger. Just like with the first event, I’d like to talk about what lies ahead in this preview. (more…)

Mea Culpa on Having Called Mafia a “GTA Clone”

Mea Culpa on Calling Mafia a "GTA Clone"

After much deliberation, I’ve decided to make a full post to take responsibility for something I’ve gotten flak for. At the start of my retrospective video on Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven, I committed the gaffe of calling the game a “GTA clone”. Some may be puzzled at what may be wrong with that, and I’m still a bit on the fence on how wrong it really was to have done so. At first, I thought it’s like referring to caviar as “salty fish eggs”, which may upset connoisseurs, but is certainly true. But in this case, as I’ve found out, that would actually be a flat-out lie. (more…)

No Man’s Sky Zombie Horse Postmortem

No Man's Sky

Welcome to a stupid idea i had to pull off to start the new year. It’s outdated, irrelevant, and dumb as all hell. However, I had to do it to open the year as it had been gnawing at the back of my head for so long and 2018 is the year I start cranking out videos. I had to take the challenge, and I started it by putting up such a stupid ass video that would then motivate me to quickly bury it with more videos. It’s basically political commentary disguised as a super late postmortem review of No Man’s Sky. (more…)