Tag: Autodidactism

Free College Guide at Your Own Pace

Free College

Whether you’re looking to become more useful at your job or simply broaden your horizons, you can easily find free education online. The problem is that there’s so much material just a click or tap away that it can be rather daunting to pick out which ones are worth getting into. It also doesn’t help that not everything online can be trusted, so you want to make sure that you get proper guidance. In this blog post, I put forth a way to meld the methods of old and new to give oneself (virtually) free education. (more…)

Dynamics of Self-Learning: Part 1

Autodidactism is a worthy pursuit, and I’ve become well-acquainted with it over the years. However, I do feel that its romanticism has overshadowed its utilitarian roots. To hell with Renaissance, this is the 21st century. Here are my thoughts on what goes on through the process of educating oneself, starting with the first steps towards proficiency. (more…)