Tag: medium

New Hosting Yet Again and 2018 Plans

AVDR 2017

Every December, I have to deal with keeping this website up, paying for domain and hosting. I agonized on whether I should still pay for hosting or migrate this blog to Medium, and I ended up staying with hosting. However, I’ve since made some changes and put certain measures in place to secure this blog’s future as I plan to hopefully ramp things up for 2018. I’m sure I’ve done this over and over again year after year, but things really have been looking up as 2017 is about to end. (more…)

Switch to Medium or Stick with Web Hosting?

Switch to Medium or Stick with Web Hosting?

Running this site, amid all the delays and procrastination in making content, is something that keeps me from giving up on life itself. The extent with which I’ve made it manifest is such that I have to somehow post something at least once or twice per month since I actually pay money every month to keep it up. However, this time around, I’m at a crossroads as I may have to give up on that due to money being tight and having less time to deal with the web development. Should I switch to Medium? (more…)

Video Games as Art… Again

Video Games logo

By now, this controversial post on Polygon has made its rounds and got nerd panties up in bunches. I thought of writing something about it not because I have anything to prove, but merely to express a bit of my incredulity on the subject, which is a moot and futile point anyway. But since I don’t take myself too seriously, I’ll make an ass out of myself anyway by putting on my pretentio-hat and stretch my pseudo-intellect to analyze this whole “video games as art” topic, just like hundreds of thousands of times before by other pretentious pseudo-intellectual pricks before me. (more…)