Tag: nintendo 3ds

BLOG: Returning to Pokemon

As mentioned in my previous blog entry on my “new” 3DS, I’ve been playing Pokemon X for a good while now. As of posting this blog entry, I’m still playing through it at a casual capacity. I intend to eventually get the games from every generation and play through them, maybe even complete them. In the meantime, this is a blog entry about my limited experience with the Pokemon game franchise. (more…)

BLOG: My Nintendo 3DS

Finally, after much delay, I got myself a Nintendo 3DS. Perhaps it’s the perfect time for me to do so since the game library for the 3DS has been filling out quite nicely. I’m usually too preoccupied with playing games on the PC and PS3. I don’t play that many mobile games on my phone, but I should be able to play more on a more dedicated handheld system. (more…)