Tag: totalbiscuit

I’m So Done: Changing Stances Over Platform Exclusivity


Back when Rise of the Tomb Raider was announced as a timed exclusive for the Xbox One, I wrote two posts about platform exclusivity (1 and 2) with perhaps only a rough idea of what it’s intended to do and what its consequences are. In those two posts, I concluded (rather hastily and not speaking what was really on my mind at the time) that’s it’s mostly alright because it’s a business practice that has always been there in the video game industry. However, I’ve had a rethink and would like to clarify my stance on this. (more…)

Video Games as Art… Again

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By now, this controversial post on Polygon has made its rounds and got nerd panties up in bunches. I thought of writing something about it not because I have anything to prove, but merely to express a bit of my incredulity on the subject, which is a moot and futile point anyway. But since I don’t take myself too seriously, I’ll make an ass out of myself anyway by putting on my pretentio-hat and stretch my pseudo-intellect to analyze this whole “video games as art” topic, just like hundreds of thousands of times before by other pretentious pseudo-intellectual pricks before me. (more…)