Vlogs Archives

Being Bruce Buffer for a Day [Vlog]

Being Bruce Buffer for a Day | Sonny Go

There was an amateur kickboxing event organized by World Kickboxing Federation Philippines and Savate Philippines, the latter of which I’m a part of (to some extent). I got assigned as a host and fight announcer, which meant I had to put on proper human clothes and drink some ginger tea to prepare my voice to do something like a Bruce Buffer impression in the Hybrid Manila gym cage. This vlog details what happened during that event from my perspective. (more…)

On Externalities and Hindrances [Vlog]

Vlog 04: On Externalities and Hindrances | Sonny Go

After four whole months of nothing, I actually uploaded a vlog on my personal YouTube channel. It was inspired by a conversation I had with friends during a gathering, as well as the sheer need to upload something after weeks of absolutely nothing. This vlog gets a bit more personal, but it does have something on the current state of affairs with both the blog and the YouTube channels. (more…)

Channel Update — September 2016


Putting out an update video when the YouTube channel barely has anything may seem ill-advised since there’s barely anything to update on or require any sort of housekeeping. It does end up being about promises to upload more videos, but I did have to start somewhere. Since I’ve been trying to take content creation more seriously, even with YouTube attempting to impose its own PG era, then I might as well go all out and “fake it till I make it.” (more…)

Pokemon GO Hate, Piss, and Vinegar

Pokemon GO Hate

This video may have been ill-advised as I decided to do it out of a whim after seeing so many people showing some form of contempt for Pokemon GO, as many do when something becomes popular all of a sudden. What I came up with is more of a plea to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Mind you, I know it’s mostly pointless to convince dicks on the Internet to not be dicks, but at least I get a video out of it. (more…)

Muhammad Ali and How Manila Ain’t Vanilla

Muhammad Ali and How Manila Ain't Vanilla [Vlog] | Avoiderdragon

On the very day of Muhammad Ali’s passing, I knew I had to come out with a vlog on his legacy and his influence on me. However, what came out wasn’t just a straight-up video of me talking about him. I connected the dots between him, The Thrilla in Manila, and local politics then and now since it involved Ferdinand Marcos. I figured that since Muhammad Ali wasn’t shy with talking about socio-political issues in his day, then I give it a bash myself. (more…)

Manny Pacquiao, Outrage, and Animal Husbandry

Manny Pacquiao on Same Sex Marriage

As the very first video blog I’ve ever posted online that’s of this particular format, I launch my personal vlog channel in the hopes of having more avenues for editorial and narrative content. Writing everything down into a readable format does take quite a bit of time, so I’ve taken to recording my thoughts on video to supplement that. Somehow, hitting it off with the whole Manny Pacquiao gay slur issue like this seems apropos as it would immediately bring some attention to the channel. (more…)