YouTube Archives

Two Instances When the Jimquisition Hits Home

The Jimquisition

As the title may indirectly suggest, I’m a regular viewer of The Jimquisition, which is independent games journalist Jim Sterling’s weekly YouTube show. While a lot of it is him getting people rabidly enraged with his opinions, as well as his distinct style of delivery and propensity to tell his audience to thank divine providence for his existence, he often covers stories unlike those tackled by most of games media. He can get quite deep into even what seems pedestrian at first, like these two Jimquisitions I’m about to talk about. (more…)

Channel Update — September 2016


Putting out an update video when the YouTube channel barely has anything may seem ill-advised since there’s barely anything to update on or require any sort of housekeeping. It does end up being about promises to upload more videos, but I did have to start somewhere. Since I’ve been trying to take content creation more seriously, even with YouTube attempting to impose its own PG era, then I might as well go all out and “fake it till I make it.” (more…)

The Pantomime Theater of Reaction Videos

Fine Bros reaction to losing their chance at greatness

After that whole issue with FineBros, reaction videos are once again under a spotlight. After looking at comments detailing just how stupid they’re supposed to be, I decided to dig deeper into them. Despite that whole brouhaha about greed and the banality of FineBros’ content, reaction videos are everywhere on the Internet. While I most likely won’t have one on here (at least not with me watching something and contorting my face while making noises), I’d like to talk about them and why they’re oddly compelling. (more…)

8 Videos and Films on Financial Disasters

Financial Disasters

Amid financial ruin, Greece just had their bailout referendum on whether they will agree to the conditions set by the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund, and the European Central Bank (they voted no). Elsewhere, stock markets in China have experienced their biggest plunge since 1992. The last great economic recession we’ve had was back in 2008 with the American housing crash, and we may be in the verge of another one. If you don’t know what any of this means, then perhaps it’s time to learn a bit about financial disasters and how they happen. (more…)