Tag: mass effect 2

My Top 10 Games of the 2010s

Top Ten of 2010s

It’s that time of the year, but I haven’t played enough games this year to put up a list of my top ten games for 2019. I’ve been busy with work, commentating for Manila Wrestling Federation, and dealing with life. It hasn’t been the best year for me, but it was also a reflective year. This post continues that theme, letting me look back at the games I enjoyed throughout the outgoing decade that was the 2010s. (more…)

7 Games I Like Due to Aesthetics

7 Games I Like Due to Aesthetics

The adage “Don’t judge a book by its cover” is said as an advice for those who tend to judge quality by appearance because humans tend to do the opposite. Most human beings do judge things by aesthetics, so they’re not to be seen as mere decoration but a substantial part of our world view. This applies to video games as well, although judging their appearances is not from a cover art or such, but how the actual game looks. (more…)