Tag: Spider-Man: Homecoming

Bathos, Sincerity, and Viewing Precaution

Doctor Strange donning the Cloak of Levitation

There’s this thing with Marvel movies I couldn’t put my finger on until now. I had previously reviewed Doctor Strange and thought that while it was good, it wasn’t the best and was even generic in tone. It seems that there’s something about the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s signature style of storytelling that combines seriousness with levity, which worked for a good while. However, something recently came up that may put a damper on its current and upcoming films, including Spider-Man: Homecoming. (more…)

Spider-Man: Homecoming — Laying Eggs [Review]

Spider-Man: Homecoming

How many more Spider-Man movies should we get? At this point, I’d expect the webslinger to actually lay eggs, but that’s exactly what this film actually does as far as Spidey goes. With Marvel actually having a hand in Spider-Man: Homecoming instead of Sony just hogging it all for themselves, we finally get one that’s going to be a part of a larger continuity. The creative decisions taken with it were interesting, and the future of this Peter Parker is indeed promising. (more…)