Tag: world war 1

Battlefield 1 Open Beta First Impressions

Battlefield 1

For once, I actually get to the open beta of a game and actually make a video out of it, which is something I’ve been wanting to do for this blog for quite a while now. Then again, this is a AAA game, so it wasn’t that hard to remember to get into it. It was also not that big since it’s just a multiplayer preview available for a week, so it was just bells and whistles and wasn’t hard to download at all. Battlefield 1 was met with skepticism, but I have to say it could actually bring the Battlefield franchise back from the heaping pile of failure it had been in recent years (commercially successful but technically unsound). (more…)

Learning About World War I with New Media

World War I

It has been 101 years since the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, paving the way for the First World War. It ended empires and welcomed the modern age; this world we have now is because that happened. This post is also a whole year late, but maybe this is the best time for it as there are now more ways than ever to learn about that piece of history, as well what came before and after it. We now have videos, games, and other new media that shows us what would be the cause for everything else that happened in the 20th century and what’s happening now in the 21st century. (more…)