Videos Archives

Ironcast — Steampunk Mechs and Match-3 Shenanigans


It took me some time to come up with this review, which was to include a review video to bring new life to the YouTube channel. After a lot of screwing around, the website has finally gotten back on the game review horse with this look at Ironcast, a British indie game that looks like a classier alternative to HuniePop in a few ways (I may or may not review it). At first, I couldn’t keep gnawing at its faults, but I’ve since had so much fun with it that I had to bump its score up a bit. (more…)

FIRST LOOK: The Swapper

I had played The Swapper for the first time for an hour, and was quite amazed. Watch how I experienced it. (more…)

Ballistics [Review]

Perhaps one of the fastest games you’ll ever play, along with some other racing games, old school FPS titles, and maybe Sonic the Hedgehog, Ballistics is all about breaking the speed barrier in your PC. Unfortunately, not a lot of people know about this game. (more…)

[FIRST LOOK] Path of Exile

Here’s Path of Exile, which has recently commenced its open beta phase. So far, it’s looking pretty good, and the feeling of wonderment is already beyond what I felt when I first played Diablo III. It’s one of those passion projects, and the players are responding with high expectations (more…)

The Typing of the Dead [Review]

Here’s a retro game review of what I feel is perhaps one of the best games I’ve ever played, especially since I type for a living. The Typing of the Dead is an unusual game for many, but I see it as a form of training and therapy that has helped me with both my occupation and my state of mind. Yes, it really does go that deep for me. Also included here is my first official review video. (more…)