Videos Archives

Battlefield 1 Open Beta First Impressions

Battlefield 1

For once, I actually get to the open beta of a game and actually make a video out of it, which is something I’ve been wanting to do for this blog for quite a while now. Then again, this is a AAA game, so it wasn’t that hard to remember to get into it. It was also not that big since it’s just a multiplayer preview available for a week, so it was just bells and whistles and wasn’t hard to download at all. Battlefield 1 was met with skepticism, but I have to say it could actually bring the Battlefield franchise back from the heaping pile of failure it had been in recent years (commercially successful but technically unsound). (more…)

Channel Update — September 2016


Putting out an update video when the YouTube channel barely has anything may seem ill-advised since there’s barely anything to update on or require any sort of housekeeping. It does end up being about promises to upload more videos, but I did have to start somewhere. Since I’ve been trying to take content creation more seriously, even with YouTube attempting to impose its own PG era, then I might as well go all out and “fake it till I make it.” (more…)

Pokemon GO Hate, Piss, and Vinegar

Pokemon GO Hate

This video may have been ill-advised as I decided to do it out of a whim after seeing so many people showing some form of contempt for Pokemon GO, as many do when something becomes popular all of a sudden. What I came up with is more of a plea to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Mind you, I know it’s mostly pointless to convince dicks on the Internet to not be dicks, but at least I get a video out of it. (more…)

Muhammad Ali and How Manila Ain’t Vanilla

Muhammad Ali and How Manila Ain't Vanilla [Vlog] | Avoiderdragon

On the very day of Muhammad Ali’s passing, I knew I had to come out with a vlog on his legacy and his influence on me. However, what came out wasn’t just a straight-up video of me talking about him. I connected the dots between him, The Thrilla in Manila, and local politics then and now since it involved Ferdinand Marcos. I figured that since Muhammad Ali wasn’t shy with talking about socio-political issues in his day, then I give it a bash myself. (more…)

Overwatch — A Good Kind of Black Hole [Impressions]


After tons of hype and a fairly extensive beta period (as well as a minor controversy concerning the fictional depiction of female buttocks), the much-anticipated new game by Blizzard finally came out. It has been almost a week since the release of Overwatch, and it’s currently making the folks over at Gearbox Software have sweaty palms (and hopefully with Randy Pitchford unable to sleep at night). While it’s given that this may be a bit too late for just a first impressions post and I should put out a review already, I still have to put this up to wrap my head around my thoughts about this game. (more…)

DOOM First Impressions — Ultra Violence

DOOM (2016)

This post was only worked on four days after the video was made, but at least I’ve had a bit more time to think about what I like and don’t like about this game, especially without the rose-tinted glasses. There’s much to dig through with this game, especially with all the bad impressions the multiplayer beta gave. It turns out that the singleplayer is indeed good and fun to play, so I guess the beta only served to sow seeds of doubt about the new DOOM needlessly. (more…)

Friday Show #1 — May the What?

Friday Show | Avoiderdragon

So I decided to come up with a weekly show every Friday (or Saturday if I happen to be slow) wherein I talk about whatever topics came up during the week. This website and the YouTube channel could use more regular content, so a weekly thing like this could solve a lot of the stagnation problems that have been plaguing this place for quite a while now. At the very least, this could give me something to do in those idle moments. On the other hand, it’s something more to do during those unusually busy days. (more…)

Ip Man 3 Review — Donnie and Mikey Playing Knuckle Tag

Ip Man 3 starring Donnie Yen

While Ip Man 3 had been out and passed by the time of this writing, I felt compelled to put something out about this movie. Perhaps it’s my martial artist side that kept me on this, or it could be my (failed) filmmaker side. In any case, it’s a good thing that I stayed with it since I feel that this movie deserved a look regardless. It does well as the final installment of the series, with a good bit of thought put into its production. (more…)

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Review

Despite all the negative press it was getting on release, I was able to bite the bullet and see this movie due to a friend’s invitation. I can say that while it’s not exactly the flat bomb that most were expecting (especially when people heard that the Batmobile had machineguns), it’s not that much of a pleasant surprise either. There’s quite a bit that must be sifted through in order to properly judge it, or at least my subjective experience of it. (more…)

Manny Pacquiao, Outrage, and Animal Husbandry

Manny Pacquiao on Same Sex Marriage

As the very first video blog I’ve ever posted online that’s of this particular format, I launch my personal vlog channel in the hopes of having more avenues for editorial and narrative content. Writing everything down into a readable format does take quite a bit of time, so I’ve taken to recording my thoughts on video to supplement that. Somehow, hitting it off with the whole Manny Pacquiao gay slur issue like this seems apropos as it would immediately bring some attention to the channel. (more…)

Top 10 Games of 2015 [Video]

Avoiderdragon's Top 10 Games of 2015

I’m almost three weeks late for this, but at least I got it out before February rolled around. While late for that annual hot period for top 10 lists for X year, I think it’s still ripe for yet another list because I do think I’m hot shit like that. It’s not a very “complete” list though since I only include games I got to play in 2015, so it’s bound to get sticklers flustered by the absence of certain titles that do merit recognition, but those games already got enough attention as is. (more…)

Fallout 4 First Look

Fallout 420

This is a couple of days late, but I still got this out to not back down on my commitment to making more videos (which I’ve backed out on repeatedly for most of the year). I’ve planned on making videos on Fallout 4 the whole time prior to release, so I might as well fulfill this promise. I may go through with Fallout 4 playthrough videos and such, as well as my own review. Meanwhile, here’s a video on my first impressions of the game. (more…)