Blog Archives

BLOG: Playing Diablo III and Reaper of Souls

Many would think that it isn’t much to be excited about since the base game was such a disappointment. Path of Exile had since taken the throne as the king of Action Role-playing Games (ARPG) as far as the hardcore crowd is concerned, but Diablo III is still the better-looking game (since PoE is all about dreariness and suffering in its dark visuals). (more…)

BLOG: Returning to Pokemon

As mentioned in my previous blog entry on my “new” 3DS, I’ve been playing Pokemon X for a good while now. As of posting this blog entry, I’m still playing through it at a casual capacity. I intend to eventually get the games from every generation and play through them, maybe even complete them. In the meantime, this is a blog entry about my limited experience with the Pokemon game franchise. (more…)

BLOG: My Nintendo 3DS

Finally, after much delay, I got myself a Nintendo 3DS. Perhaps it’s the perfect time for me to do so since the game library for the 3DS has been filling out quite nicely. I’m usually too preoccupied with playing games on the PC and PS3. I don’t play that many mobile games on my phone, but I should be able to play more on a more dedicated handheld system. (more…)

BLOG: New Year’s Resolutions 2014


Happy new year, you dweebs! To coincide with the new year spirit, I’ve decided to come up with new year’s resolutions for this website so that I can motivate myself to put up more content. Last year was a disappointment as I didn’t post enough to get this blog going. But with renewed confidence and vigor, I hurl myself into the abyss of uncertainty by coming up with this list. Perhaps at the end of the year, I can make another post to show if I succeed or not. (more…)

Revisiting Arcanum: The Story So Far

After some thought and trepidation, I finally got myself to revisit what I usually claim to be my favorite computer game of all time for a personal project that I’ve had in mind for quite some time. It may be ill-advised at best, but I’m currently working on it in my spare time to practice my video production skills. I do want to fill up my YouTube account with more stuff, so this is the idea I ended up with. (more…)

My 10 Most Memorable Games

Video Games logo

There’s this chain message going on in Facebook as of this writing with people listing the top ten games that have stayed with them in some way. Since it’s about video games, I had to post one as well. However, I had too many things to say about my top ten, so I uploaded it here for posterity. (more…)

Ouya: Pandora’s Box of Awesome


Recently, I had purchased an Ouya, the microconsole that was born from Kickstarter and has drawn both enthusiasm and criticism. On my end, it has had its good and bad points, but I do declare that it was well worth the money spent. It’s the kind of tech that gets better as it’s tinkered with more. I’ve been fiddling with it quite a bit, and it’s working well as both an all-in-one retro gaming system and an online set top box. Its size makes it very convenient as well. (more…)

My PS3 and Revisiting Assassin’s Creed

This post is incredibly late, but I’ll go ahead anyway. I had just bought a PS3 around a month ago, after over 15 years of not being able to play my own console. I had been a PC gamer throughout the whole time, and I can now afford indulging in what I had been deprived of and what my friends had been able to play with throughout my adolescence. This is a blog entry on my first month with this thing, as well as the first game I decided to finish with it. (more…)

WEBSITE NEWS: Hosting Migration and Future Plans

I’ve finally moved from a local hosting provider to a better known one. Moving all the stuff over was a bit of a challenge, but I was able to pull it off somehow and I do hope that there won’t be any snags. From here on out, I’m definitely dedicated a lot of my free time to this in order to make the most of the investments I’ve put on here. (more…)

[SITE] New Web Design for 2013

It has been a long while since I’ve posted anything here, and I have no other excuse than being busy and lazy. If I’m to make the most out of the money I’ve spent on the web hosting and domain name, then I better get serious with it. I’m starting that off by coming up with an updated design. (more…)