Blog Archives

My High-Energy Zarya Problems in Overwatch

Overwatch — Zarya

Recently, I’ve been rethinking about my approach to Overwatch. Since late last year, I’ve been a Zarya main as I found her to be my most dependable option. She lets me consistently(?) contribute to my team, whether I’m doing particularly well or not. Constant use of barriers, consistent splash damage, picking off stragglers every now and then, staying alive, and well-placed graviton surges are pretty much the basics to a competent Zarya. (more…)

January 2017 Update

AVDR 2017

Here’s the first update of the new year, mostly for the YouTube channel. Not too much detail here about future plans as they should be revealed only when they’re actually done, but there are a few things I should mention in advance to make you aware of new things being put to action right now in January 2017. I’m making sure not to overextend myself, but these plans have been in the works since last year. (more…)

December 2016 Update


There hasn’t been new content for over two weeks now, so I should give a bit of an update. More stuff is coming in December and I’m using the time left in 2016 to prepare for grinding harder and faster in 2017. In the meantime, I’ve had some problems to deal with, and they’re not pretty. It mostly has to do with the one thing that lets me keep this whole thing going—the Internet connection. (more…)

It is Now Open Season

Open Season | Avoiderdragon

These are indeed interesting times, and it’s doubly so here in the Philippines. I felt that I had to write something in order to get my thoughts in line with what’s been going on and what I can do to make the most of it. This goes beyond my own prejudices, biases, political leanings, and religious beliefs. I’m not one for political commentary as I’m neither smart, driven, nor qualified enough to do it well. But perhaps it’s now time for it’s open season. (more…)

My Roadblocks in Doing Event Coverage Vlogs

Event Coverage

In a bid to increase and diversify the content posted on this blog, I’ve thought of posting event coverage vlogs. While it may be a good idea, I’ve hit roadblocks along the way. I’ve had this idea for quite a long time now, but I’ve yet to post something a video or write-up on a convention or any other event worth talking about on this blog. In this post, I talk about why, how, and what the fuck is up with this shit. (more…)

Website Update: Hosting Down for Days

Site5 is now shit

Last week, there was a period of inactivity in the site due to the hosting provider going through days of dealing with file system issues on the server that this blog happens to be in. I use web hosting instead of a blogging service for this website due to my desire to learn how to do web design and development from scratch, which resulted in what you see here. But it seems due to what happened and what I’ve learned of the hosting provider during that time, I may have to switch to another provider again. (more…)

Mid-September 2016 Site Update


Here’s something to fill in the gap between spurts of productivity that end up on this site. I did a channel update earlier this month, which still needs addressing due to recent health-related issues (albeit minor). I thought I should also put down something like a mid-term manifesto or sort in regards to content on this blog, so here’s an attempt at what could be one of countless attempts at re-commitment to this foolish thing we got going on here. (more…)

Overwatch — Practicing with Tracer

Tracer from Overwatch

So it has been months since Overwatch officially came out, and I haven’t been playing it as much as I should. But within my limited play time, I’ve only gotten competent with three heroes—D.Va, Soldier 76, and Junkrat. Despite my best efforts, I consciously feel the limits of these characters during gameplay, and those limits are getting worse over time. Perhaps it’s due to lack of practice, but I think that can also be remedied by practicing with more challenging characters like Tracer. (more…)

Channel Update — September 2016


Putting out an update video when the YouTube channel barely has anything may seem ill-advised since there’s barely anything to update on or require any sort of housekeeping. It does end up being about promises to upload more videos, but I did have to start somewhere. Since I’ve been trying to take content creation more seriously, even with YouTube attempting to impose its own PG era, then I might as well go all out and “fake it till I make it.” (more…)

Friday Show #1 — May the What?

Friday Show | Avoiderdragon

So I decided to come up with a weekly show every Friday (or Saturday if I happen to be slow) wherein I talk about whatever topics came up during the week. This website and the YouTube channel could use more regular content, so a weekly thing like this could solve a lot of the stagnation problems that have been plaguing this place for quite a while now. At the very least, this could give me something to do in those idle moments. On the other hand, it’s something more to do during those unusually busy days. (more…)

Half-baked Plans and Promises for 2016

Avoiderdragon 2016

It’s almost two weeks into the new year, and only now do I post something about it. That’s pretty much the theme of this website that I’m trying to break (and failing miserably so far). To actually do just that, I have a few things I have in mind that hopefully will make this website grow. I’m already uploading more videos to the YouTube channel, so I should post more content on here and the Tumblr blog as well. They shouldn’t be overly complicated things, but just some general ideas on what to post here this year. (more…)

Mechanics of Being Sick

Thermometer logo

The recent lack of new content on this site was mostly due to me getting sick with what was perhaps the worst bout of tonsillitis I’ve ever had in my entire life. It pretty much had me down and out for most of the month, since I actually technically had it twice. However, this post is not merely for making excuses, but also to talk a bit about how my fever-laden brain compared being sick to playing a video game with its various mechanics, as well as my subsequent failure. (more…)