With apparent confirmation of the deal for a fight between Manny Pacquiao and Amir Khan in the United Arab Emirates, which can happen as soon as April of this year, I thought the whole thing was interesting and had started writing notes about the match-up while the news was still just rumors in the periphery. What particularly intrigues me with Pacquiao vs. Khan is their similarities and differences coming in as it’s not the usual young vs. old match-up like Michael Moorer vs. George Foreman. (more…)
Blog Posts
UFC 208 — The Bell is Supposed to Save You
In what seems to be the very first official post I’ve published here on the blog that’s related to combat sports, I might as well talk about the last two UFC events as of this writing—UFC Fight Night 104 and UFC 208. While most of the focus of this post is on the latter, I thought I should still talk about the former since it was actually pretty good. Hopefully, this becomes a regular thing and I write a post after every MMA, boxing, kickboxing, or whatever event I get to watch. (more…)
My Top 10 Games of 2016
It seems like coming late with these annual top 10 games lists is now a tradition. Publishing a month late does give me more time and room to meditate on which games really moved me in the previous year, thus coming up with a better video and post to explain my feelings about my picks. With that said, I didn’t play as many games as I could have last year, which explains why I left so many good titles out. Despite that, I feel pretty good about this list of the ten best games of 2016 I got to play. (more…)
Denuvo and the Apparent Hubris of Anti-Piracy
With the seemingly lightning-fast recent cracking of Resident Evil 7, taking only 5 days since release, I thought a bit about Denuvo and the whole thing about DRM protection. Cracking groups have always been there to break the DRM of game releases, with names like RELOADED, RAZOR1911, 3DM, and CPY being familiar to those who have no qualms about pirating games, whether it’s to try them out or to be a complete freeloader. Whichever side you’re on in the discussion, perhaps we can all agree that this whole thing with Denuvo is pretty interesting. (more…)
Shadow Tactics — Comparison with Commandos
As of this writing, I’ve been enjoying the hell out of Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun since the end of 2016. Since I’ve played it within 2016, it can technically be included in my Top 10 Games of 2016 list (which is coming soon). While you may say that less than a week isn’t enough for a thorough assessment of a game, I fell in love with this game right at the first few moments as it reminded me of Commandos—a series I played growing up. It was one of those franchises that truly made you think while you played. (more…)
January 2017 Update
Here’s the first update of the new year, mostly for the YouTube channel. Not too much detail here about future plans as they should be revealed only when they’re actually done, but there are a few things I should mention in advance to make you aware of new things being put to action right now in January 2017. I’m making sure not to overextend myself, but these plans have been in the works since last year. (more…)
7 Games I Like Due to Aesthetics
The adage “Don’t judge a book by its cover” is said as an advice for those who tend to judge quality by appearance because humans tend to do the opposite. Most human beings do judge things by aesthetics, so they’re not to be seen as mere decoration but a substantial part of our world view. This applies to video games as well, although judging their appearances is not from a cover art or such, but how the actual game looks. (more…)
My Thoughts on Game Reviews
After taking ye olde sweet time to get another video uploaded after the This is the Police review while still having a mental block, I used said mental block as inspiration for a non-review video. What came from it is a commentary of sorts on the thing I should be doing more of on the channel and blog, which are game reviews. (more…)
This is the Police — Police Drudgery Simulator [Review]
This review was planned a month back, but it only got finished now, but it’s somehow still relevant due to current events. There are also quite a few layers to This is the Police, which made for a harder review, but it did get boiled down to a few points due to the latter portions of its gameplay. As good of a concept as it was, and as good of a narrative experience as it had been, I ended up with a ‘meh’. (more…)