Tag: 2016

My Top 10 Games of 2016

2016 in Avoiderdragon

It seems like coming late with these annual top 10 games lists is now a tradition. Publishing a month late does give me more time and room to meditate on which games really moved me in the previous year, thus coming up with a better video and post to explain my feelings about my picks. With that said, I didn’t play as many games as I could have last year, which explains why I left so many good titles out. Despite that, I feel pretty good about this list of the ten best games of 2016 I got to play. (more…)

December 2016 Update


There hasn’t been new content for over two weeks now, so I should give a bit of an update. More stuff is coming in December and I’m using the time left in 2016 to prepare for grinding harder and faster in 2017. In the meantime, I’ve had some problems to deal with, and they’re not pretty. It mostly has to do with the one thing that lets me keep this whole thing going—the Internet connection. (more…)

Half-baked Plans and Promises for 2016

Avoiderdragon 2016

It’s almost two weeks into the new year, and only now do I post something about it. That’s pretty much the theme of this website that I’m trying to break (and failing miserably so far). To actually do just that, I have a few things I have in mind that hopefully will make this website grow. I’m already uploading more videos to the YouTube channel, so I should post more content on here and the Tumblr blog as well. They shouldn’t be overly complicated things, but just some general ideas on what to post here this year. (more…)