Here’s the first update of the new year, mostly for the YouTube channel. Not too much detail here about future plans as they should be revealed only when they’re actually done, but there are a few things I should mention in advance to make you aware of new things being put to action right now in January 2017. I’m making sure not to overextend myself, but these plans have been in the works since last year. (more…)
Articles & Content Archives
7 Games I Like Due to Aesthetics
The adage “Don’t judge a book by its cover” is said as an advice for those who tend to judge quality by appearance because humans tend to do the opposite. Most human beings do judge things by aesthetics, so they’re not to be seen as mere decoration but a substantial part of our world view. This applies to video games as well, although judging their appearances is not from a cover art or such, but how the actual game looks. (more…)
My Thoughts on Game Reviews
After taking ye olde sweet time to get another video uploaded after the This is the Police review while still having a mental block, I used said mental block as inspiration for a non-review video. What came from it is a commentary of sorts on the thing I should be doing more of on the channel and blog, which are game reviews. (more…)
This is the Police — Police Drudgery Simulator [Review]
This review was planned a month back, but it only got finished now, but it’s somehow still relevant due to current events. There are also quite a few layers to This is the Police, which made for a harder review, but it did get boiled down to a few points due to the latter portions of its gameplay. As good of a concept as it was, and as good of a narrative experience as it had been, I ended up with a ‘meh’. (more…)
Doctor Strange — He Came to Bargain [Review]
Superhero origin stories are formulaic in structure. The protagonists start in a position of either weakness or strength, and they’re taken to the opposite side of things in an accident or as punishment for hubris. They then go through a crisis, questioning their own identity and value system, and they then experience growth. He/she then gains something of power, which lets them transcend their own limitations and helps them save the day. They then become better both as new superheroes and as human beings. It’s no different here in Doctor Strange, but it does do certain things differently. (more…)
Mafia Retrospective — Heaven Lost in Time
This post is indeed late since this video was posted the week before, garnering a significant number of views compared to previous videos. In an effort to keep the channel and blog growing, there will be more videos like this, even on anime, films, TV shows, and so on just for kicks. In the meantime, to go with the recent release of Mafia III, here is a retrospective review on the first game of the franchise—Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven. (more…)
Being Bruce Buffer for a Day [Vlog]
There was an amateur kickboxing event organized by World Kickboxing Federation Philippines and Savate Philippines, the latter of which I’m a part of (to some extent). I got assigned as a host and fight announcer, which meant I had to put on proper human clothes and drink some ginger tea to prepare my voice to do something like a Bruce Buffer impression in the Hybrid Manila gym cage. This vlog details what happened during that event from my perspective. (more…)
On Externalities and Hindrances [Vlog]
After four whole months of nothing, I actually uploaded a vlog on my personal YouTube channel. It was inspired by a conversation I had with friends during a gathering, as well as the sheer need to upload something after weeks of absolutely nothing. This vlog gets a bit more personal, but it does have something on the current state of affairs with both the blog and the YouTube channels. (more…)
Battlefield 1 Open Beta First Impressions
For once, I actually get to the open beta of a game and actually make a video out of it, which is something I’ve been wanting to do for this blog for quite a while now. Then again, this is a AAA game, so it wasn’t that hard to remember to get into it. It was also not that big since it’s just a multiplayer preview available for a week, so it was just bells and whistles and wasn’t hard to download at all. Battlefield 1 was met with skepticism, but I have to say it could actually bring the Battlefield franchise back from the heaping pile of failure it had been in recent years (commercially successful but technically unsound). (more…)
Channel Update — September 2016
Putting out an update video when the YouTube channel barely has anything may seem ill-advised since there’s barely anything to update on or require any sort of housekeeping. It does end up being about promises to upload more videos, but I did have to start somewhere. Since I’ve been trying to take content creation more seriously, even with YouTube attempting to impose its own PG era, then I might as well go all out and “fake it till I make it.” (more…)